How to hide comments that mention a specific word ? (on lemmy of course)

submitted by ShadowCat edited

I'm bored of reading how Linux is better than windows, how matrix is better than discord, how foss is better than proprietary etc etc. I didn't even mind but it's always the same things everyone says... so anyway I want to hide comments that mention those words I already did it for posts but can't find an option for comments specifically (I'm using boost for lemmy, yeah yeah I know but I'm used to it I always used boost when I was on reddit and I feel right at home with it.) any suggestions?

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This is probably a post you should make in the Boost community. I see filtering for posts, you could request comments too?

Settings > Filters & Blocks > Muted Words


Voyager allows me to add filter/block keywords but I assume that's only for posts. Don't see much use in implementing the same feature for comments though.

aleph , edited

Boost allows keyword blocking in posts too. I don't think *any* Lemmy client offers this functionality for comments.


Sorry, it's only possible in a FOSS client, they're way better..


Maybe they could write a quick tool to fix the issue in Rust.




The opposite of based is cringe. Cringe btw


ur uncringe