Don't forget to indulge in some luxuries this weekend!

submitted by Rimu edited

Don't forget to indulge in some luxuries this weekend!

The image is a graphic titled "the real luxuries," highlighting simple yet profound pleasures in life. It features a two-column list with illustrations and corresponding text for each item:

"a good night's sleep" with an icon of a pillow and Z's, representing sleep. "slow mornings" accompanied by a coffee cup icon. "freedom to choose" symbolized by an open hand with a heart in the center. "time for fun and play" depicted with an artist's palette and brushes. "listening to birds singing" with an illustration of a bird on a branch with musical notes. "long walks" represented by a tree. "a good book" shown with a book icon. "favorite home-cooked meal" with a bowl of food. "colorful sunsets" with a sun partly below a horizon line. "ability to freely express yourself" symbolized by a flame. "day naps" with a cloud and moon indicating sleep. "a good conversation" depicted by two hands in a handshake gesture.

The overall message is an appreciation for life's simple joys, depicted in a clean, minimalist design with blue icons and text on a white background.

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They almost all sound like things everyone should get to do everyday. That's kind of depressing that all of these things are considered "luxuries" now

The Dark Lord ☑️

60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. A growing number are working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

Unless that “favourite home-cooked meal” is made from rich people, I don’t see the majority of people having time to take day naps anytime soon.


Yep. That's why I said *should*


Yes this is Orphan Crushing Machine adjacent. Or perhaps just Boring Dystopia.


Most of them are. That’s the point


Slow mornigs are my favorite!


Especially when you're gregnant






Unlike that fake slow morning that almost got me fired.


Most of these should be seen as basic rights not luxuries


They are - that’s the point.


Sorry my friend this is a lemmy comment section. You have to quickly interpret anything you see as a sign of capitalist collapse.

It’s like hanging out with a lefty version of your crazy trump uncle. There is only one topic of conversation. There is only one thing going on in the world. All things tie back to the favored topic.

Try these example conversations:

Cloudy today… “sad that we live in a world we’re a working person can’t even see the sun”

Fuck man, I have this hangnail… “fucking healthcare costs! This country is a fucking joke!”

I love you… “Massive corporate profits, Joe fucking Biden… wages… billionaire…”

The political vibes here aren’t out of step with me, but the anger and hyper fixation are tiring.


Same, I browse all with a massive block list. I've had to add some of the most major ones lately.. I found despite being interested they were sapping my energy. Echo chambers exist across the entire political spectrum and the wise keep that in mind.


It’s not even lefty it’s just depressed teens.

Politically I’m even further left, but that doesn’t mean I spread doom and gloom in every thread


Most of these luxuries basically come down to "time for yourself". Having time to spare is a luxury many people don't have.


the fact these can be considered luxuries is not looking all that wholesome to me lmao


My dude.

It is Wednesday.


It might be their weekend?


Let that sink in


Arson ❤️

fastandcurious , edited

The only thing I can get is a good ~~nights~~ morning sleep on weekends

The real luxury for me is staying up all night long, or atleast a significant portion of it, without the thought of being sleep deprived the next day, and really enjoying and absorbing the quietness of night, the feeling is absolutely gorgeous, choose a slow paced activity like reading, meditating or even browsing lemmy and it almost feels like heaven, it’s like a way to celebrate loneliness, in a good way

Zuberi 👀

Please make wholesome lemmy mega popular 🥺


These are all things you lose on the weekend when you have kids...


Yeah :/

The spiraling depression doesn't help either.


Necessity not luxury


Don't forget to indulge in some luxuries ~~this weekend~~!


I love sleepig in durig slow mornigs


I’m rich, bitch! /s

But seriously, most of these are easy if you have plenty of money.


most things are


I'd like to add "warm showers" to the list


"Bringing down the Proletariat" "Eating the rich"


sure, sex is great but have you tried fucking the system ?


Does getting fucked by the system count?

Klnsfw 🏳️‍🌈

No, because "bottom" is not a matter of position, but of consent




Not gonna lie, I spent too much time trying to figure out which one was the humorous one out.


Larry, I'm on DuckTales


✨Abolishing Religion✨

Herbal Gamer

My bad knee is gonna love those long walks, I'm sure.


That's your takeaway? You certainly need to try some of the other activities, mr. grumpy face.


All these things are the things I love most; creativity, the freedom to choose, slow mornings, time for fun and play, long walks, and good books. I have the luxury to be able to enjoy all those things most days. But maybe freedom to choose is most important; I simply cannot do the same thing from day to day, and I need a lot of stimulus variation in my day.

I'm single so it's easier for me to indulge. I don't answer to anyone else, and it's one reason I never carry a cell phone around (except I do have one in case of emergencies on trips). I don't want to have to answer to anybody else, or let them know where I am or what I'm up to. I think that having that kind of freedom has kept me young and happy - that's just me though.

Tristaniopsis , edited

What about being with a partner that you really, really love?

Edit: to the downvoters. Yeah, me neither.


wtf is with the text part of this post? account doesn't seem like a bots.


wdym, its for blind people so they can understand the post without the picture