Trump Brags His Brain Worms Are Still Alive and Very Strong

submitted by ZeroCool…

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Trump supporters quickly rallied to get their own brain worms to support the former President’s ongoing campaign for a second term.

Too real


Given that half of them were enthusiastically taking horse de-wormer a few years back… this is not impossible


They’re literally wearing diapers for him right now. Not only would this be possible, it’s the likely scenario.


You'd think the dewormer would have fixed it.


If only it were a problem dewormer could fix


“My brain worm was not weak and small, it was so big that Timothee fucking Chalamet could have ridden it across my brain,” said an enraged Kennedy Jr.



Like Trump could pronounce "Chalamet"


"said an enraged Kennedy Jr."


It's rare that a headline will actually make me laugh out loud, but this one did it.


It’s a work of art. It ties so many threads together in an absolute masterpiece.


It didn't make me laugh because that's something trump would actually say and I thought I was reading a real quote at first. Everything about him just makes me sad.


“My worms are, people have said, the best people, have said that, my brain worms are the best they’ve ever seen. I’ve spent a lot of time with many worms, yuge worms, but my worms have plenty to eat, a ton of food really, food for years. RFK, dead worms, bad worms, no food. My worms, bigly.”

platypus_plumba , edited

"They are beautiful worms, big worms too, the biggest worms you have seen. People always say to me 'Donald, your worms are so big, how are they that big? '. And I tell these people, wonderful people by the way, your worms are small because of the Biden administration, they don't care for your worms, Biden doesn't care, everybody know it, he wants to take your worms away. "


I actually believed this, then saw the community.


Same, I ate the onion.


I only came here looking to see you people in the comments.

gregorum , edited

So, reality got so fucking crazy that satire died… then it proceeded to get even crazier until satire… resurrected?

Is Trump satire Jesus? Is this (more) proof he’s the Antichrist? Because this seems like something Satan would do….

Dagwood222 , edited

For me, satire died the day a Trump woman went on The View TV show to defend him after the pussy grabber tape came out.

After another panelist repeated the word 'pussy' over and over the Trump supporter demanded that she stop using that offensive word.

gregorum , edited

Someone should have just walked onto that stage, doused everyone in gasoline, and lit the lot of them on fire.

The service to our nation that day could never have been repaid.

gregorum , edited

Spoilers: it’s Trump, described in extreme detail— and it’s obviously everything that conservatives and extreme Christians want. Because they’re fucking disgusting lying hypocrites.

Caligvla , edited

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but the the Antichrist was obviously supposed to be a Roman Emperor, how Christians can't figure that out is beyond me. Hell, most of the New Testament is anti-Roman propaganda from a Jewish revolutionary viewpoint.