Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile?

submitted by witchdoctor

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I personally like Thunder. Jerboa felt too limited for me.

Tehhund , edited

Voyager: https://vger.app/. Also available as an Android and iOS app.


Been using voyager for a while and haven’t found a reason to change.


I second voyager. It's what i'm using on iOS now.


Been using voyager on iOS since nearly day 1. Seems fine. Might be better ones out there.


Been using voyager too, made the jump to Lemmy easier when Apollo shut down.



Great custom options. From the colored split of comments and the option to customize colors of font of title and content. (Much easier to read upon scroll).


Yep it's the best one




Answer is always Boost


U betcha!

SagXD , edited

Jerboa and Raccoon if you love FOSS

Sync If you don't care about FOSS


I'm new, what does FOSS stand for? I'm currently using Sync.


Free and Open Source Software


There is no best. My recommendation is to download a bunch, then uninstall them one by one until you end up with the one that you like best. I settled on my favorite, and I had to give up some great apps with great features to get there. What do you value in a forum-style app?


That is exactly what I did haha. Ended up with Eternity.


That's what I use. Didn't want to influence your decision, but there's no harm in revealing it after the fact. I do feel like I missed out on some cool features from the other apps I tried, but Eternity was the complete package.


Me too


I did that. Kept jerboa.


Just tried it again. Feels good. I might run them in tandem for a bit.


Sync for Lemmy: /c/syncforlemmy


I love sync and it's been my go to app for a decade across reddit and Lemmy, but I find it's advertising and pro features far more frustrating now than ever before.

The dev also takes long breaks but I don't mind this as his work while he's active is really really good and fast.

If you already use revanced manager for YouTube or other apps, there is an ad free patch for an older version of sync which has an easy APK to seek out, which is recommend.


Boost for lemmy. No contest. Nice, clean unique and smooth UI, better discoverability and seems built by a person who cared than a person who stole from a 2013 android app wrapper and pasted the lemmy website


I use Sync and Jerboa.


I started with Connect and kept it because it's very much like Bacon Reader. Haven't had the need to try others.


I dig Jerboa. It's my favorite free Lemmy app.




For android, Sync is excellent, I even bought it, so no ads.


Sync is amazing. Not FOSS, but amazing nonetheless!


I'm also happy with Sync. I paid as well.


Boost for Android, or Voyager on iOS. These are definitely my choices, after extensive use




This is what I use for both.

Boost coming to Lemmy is what got me to try Lemmy.


Using and loving Voyager on a Librem 5 phone.


I just switched from connect to Voyager yesterday. I'm liking it so far but noticing stability issues. Like it crashes out every few hours or so. Nice to have mod tools back though.




Out of the ones I've tried (Jerboa, Connect, Thunder), I think Thunder is best (after a little config) : https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/releases


There are many great options here already, but I'll add Connect to the list. Great client for Android.


Coming from RIF (is fun), I find voyager and jerboa to work well on android.


Memmy wasn’t even mentioned before me? Is it not good..? Should I change to the top rated iOS app here?


Memmy was great, but development has stopped with no word from the devs in months.

HootinNHollerin , edited

I moved on to voyager many months ago but I just got a memmy TestFlight beta notification the other day

Edit: the notification is a removal of the build

orangeNgreen , edited

Just want to be sure you’re not thinking of Mlem, which is still in active development. Memmy is showing as removed from TestFlight for me.


Ah the ’update’ says build removed


I just switched from Memmy to Mlem


My choice is Connect for Lemmy. (on Android)

Tried out a few; Voyager, Sync (for Reddit, it was the best), Jeroba and god knows what else, but Connect was the one that actually felt right.

it's a nice little Flutter app. it feels native (sort of) to Android. The other apps were strange to me, cause they have more of iOS UI or else, or they arw PWAs or else...

The reason why I don't use Sync is because it had strange bugs and was limited a while ago (compared to Sync for Reddit, also my purchase of it obviously lost), also has ads n shit, which is fine, understandable, if the dev would like to earn money with it, it's a cool and complex app, it worth the money.


Voyager for a good app that has an iOS look. Jerboa uses Material design, if you prefer that, but to doesn't work as well.


Idk if jerboa even has instance blocking in app yet. I switched to Voyager because it seemed always behind.


Jerboa's instance blocking is actually one of the few ways it works better than Voyager, letting you block instances directly from the post dropdown rather than needing to go two menus deep into settings.


Shoot, I guess it was worth the wait even though I didn't.

Simon Müller

FWIW, Voyager has a Material-Design inspired alternative look that can be enabled in the settings.


Yeah, but it doesn't look very good. Not compared to something like Jerboa or any other native Android app made with Material You.

Simon Müller

I know enough people that hate Material Design 3, or even just the Monet component, so I'll leave that for everyone to decide for themselves.

gedaliyah , edited

Check out !lemmyapps@lemmy.world, which has information about recent releases, features, etc.


Voyager looks and feels like Apollo did. Fuck reddit, btw.

🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️ , edited

I liked Liftoff. Too bad it stopped being updated and does not work with 0.19+

I use Jerboa now.


Eternity was great, but it's likely abandoned now. I switched to voyager. And this is a nice clean app. No complaints from me.

Worth noting that I tried all the available apps from the lemmy app list. And I've worked them down to 3 liftoff, eternity and voyager. Two of these are abandoned now.


Since you tried them all, what is your take on summit? I mostly use it when not at a pc, smoke breaks, travel between places.


Last tim I tried Summit, was months ago but to tell you the truth. It was one of my favorites! it's definietly better than thunder and boost. One app that i can compare it with is Eternity and Connect. The reason why it did not reside in my top three is because of my preference, there is a feel to an app that i am looking for, I really cannot describe it, I did not feel it with summit, but Eternity had it. But technically speaking. Summit is one of the very good apps for Lemmy, you will not regret it if you choose to use it.

to be frank, Voyager is the least of my three. Eternity did have all i was looking for, unfortunately it seems that it has been abandoned.


Thanks for this


Personally I like connect the best


Another vote for Connect.


No problems with Sync after several months of use


Voyager an Mlem on iOS.


Try Lemma if you’re on iOS. It’s very smooth and has the right balance of features and simplicity imo.


I came from RiF and used Connect for a long time. It had issues with always bringing you back to the top of the page when you would leave the app. Eventually I've settled on Boost, and immediately paid for just on the basis that it reminded me so much of RiF (and it works!)


I used Boost for years on Reddit and switched to that as soon as the Lemmy version was released. It's stable and works well.


Hands down Jerboa for Android.




I'm just here to lay some hate on the proprietary apps: they bad.


Who would dare downvote you on this?