Google Play Store rolling out simultaneous Android app downloads

submitted by fne8w2ah…


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Victor , edited

Nice! I love watching downloads run in parallel. Addicted to pacman -Syu with parallel downloads enabled. Especially when it's been a while and there are tonnes of updates.

henfredemars , edited

Excellent! I always wondered why when I’m sitting up a device I have to wait in serial for each download to complete.

I disagree with the article that this would be more useful on updates. Generally, my updates are installed automatically while charging. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. When I’m installing a new app, I’m usually waiting.


I think it would be useful with updates when setting up a new phone or after a factory reset when basically every app needs an update


Google Play’s simultaneous downloads do not apply to application updates, which would be more useful as updating is more common than fresh installs.

I agree with the author, updates happening in parallel would help with the 3mb update to Gmail holding up 30-40 mb update on another app problem.


You can try out the Aurora app


About time


Oh my god YESSSSS


this is one of those things that if it was an iOS update instead, 99999 accounts would come out of the woodwork and say “lol don’t care we’ve had this for centuries on Android” in the comments :P

for my part im glad technology is progressing 👍