PieFed now has full text search

submitted by Rimu edited


Look for the wee magnifying glass on the main menu. For logged-in users only.

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Very quickly becoming my favorite threadiverse platform


Great, well done!

piefedderatedd , edited

Neat. Thank you !


That's great! Thank you!


Thats awesome! Is there a reason its for logged in users only? I think it would be best if it was available to everyone since I see this becoming a good repository for useful information like reddit so having it easier for people to search would be convenient.

I think it would be convenient if it was a search field on the top middle of the page instead of a button that takes us to a search page. It would also be nice if the Title section of the Create Post page automatically searched and displayed a dropdown of different posts\comments with similar text so people can find existing threads\answers they're looking for when making a thread.

Keep up the great work!

Rimu [OP]

I'm glad you like it :)

As it's a new feature there may be performance issues or other problems to work out so I didn't want to make it too widely available immediately. But I agree it should be usable by non-logged-in people too.

I like your other suggestions, too. Thanks.


should I add the suggestions as a feature request on the codeberg?

Rimu [OP]

Yes, please.

Rimu [OP]

Search is now public!


Awesome, thanks!