Keyword filter

submitted by Rimu

Keyword filter

If we're going to make it through 2024 with our sanity intact, we need to be able to filter out certain repetitive topics that keep coming up again and again.

You can choose to hide matching posts entirely, or just de-emphasize them by making them a bit transparent and smaller font.

Set up your filters at

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乇ㄥ 乃卂尺ㄒㄖ

Hahah you're an optimistic one if you think they're gonna shut up after this year.

cabbage , edited

That's great! I love the approach you're taking to content management here. The date of expiration is a nice touch.

One additional idea could be to add filters only to select subscribed magazines. I do enjoy following news communities, but I'm somehow reluctant to subscribe as a European because it feels like 90% of the content is about Republican candidates, Trump, and Biden. However, I might not want to remove these things from my feed entirely, just from selected communities to balance things out a bit.

For example, I could filter "Republican", "Trump", and "Biden" from the News community, but receive everything from the World News community.

Not a super important feature of course, but it's an idea! :)

Rimu [OP]

Good idea, thanks!

For a lot of features I've done the barest minimum to get it working and left the finer details and finesse to future developers. There's a lot of ground to cover, need to move fast.