Low bandwidth mode

submitted by Rimu

Low bandwidth mode

New feature: with that checkbox ticked, nearly all images are removed and most of the Javascript.

This is quite personal for me.

Despite making a living coding websites I have spent the majority of the last 10 years on the wrong side of the "digital divide" - living in places with unreliable and slow internet, where I was glad to have a 3G connection with 2 signal bars. For the last 3 years my electricity came from solar panels so on cloudy winter days there was only enough energy to do a couple of hours work and that's it for the rest of the day, unless I just browsed text-only websites or gemini which merely sip the battery.

I know how exclusionary the 'modern' web can be, for billions of people who don't have fiber optic connections, reliable electricity or the latest smartphone. I really know.

While things are now much more comfortable for me, I'm still committed to making this platform more accessible for people facing challenges in internet connectivity, etc. Let's build a more inclusive online space together.

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