"Sports Interactive regret to inform that, following extensive internal discussion and careful consideration with SEGA, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Football Manager 25 and shift our focus to the next release."
I'm pretty sure you already know it, but I'll post it here anyways, IO-Interactive (*The creators of the Hitman franchise*) are working on a new game, which will be a James Bond 007 game
*Today, the Video Game History Foundation launches early access to its digital archive of video game history research materials, available now at library.gamehistory.org.*
Atsushi Tomita, designer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, recently revealed some interesting bits of information regarding his time developing collaborative projects featuring Marvel and Capcom's intellectual properties.
Oh boy this is a long shot but here goes: back in 2007 when mass effect came out i watched a user made video on gametrailers.com from the game which ended up being tge deciding factor in buying it. It was called (i think) just "planet" and featured mako driving on a red planet set to the track adiemus by karl jenkins (or perhaps credited as the adiemus project or just adiemus).