What are the most powerful climate actions you can take? The expert view | Voting tops the list for the world’s leading climate scientists in a year when billions of voters go to the polls

submitted by silence7



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Surely voting will make a difference this time

silence7 [OP] , edited

Here's how it has worked in the US:

In the 1980s we could get a hearing in Congress, but not even a meaningful proposal for action.

Around 2010, we tried cap-and-trade. Passed the house. Would have gotten 36-38 votes in the Senate, so it didn't get a vote.

In 2021, we actually passed the Inflation Reduction Act. It's getting us an almost-all-carrots approach to building decarbonization infrastructure.

We're actually fairly close to the point where we might actually pass more, as we need to.


Sad, no mention of direct action.

If you actually want to accomplish anything that's the only way it seems. Protesting isn't doing shit. Voting isn't doing shit. You have a presidential candidate (who may win) begging for bribes from oil companies in public!

All those guns in the States yet no oil execs heads go pop. SMDH

silence7 [OP]

In the US voting took us from nowhere to getting a lot (but not yet enough) action.