They put things into perspective.
A guy walks up to a street vendor and asks, “What’s on the menu?”
The blouse brothers
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I have to reject any that don’t make the cut.
It's about thyme.
You get Putin jail.
If I heated it up any longer, it would be a glasswich.
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Turns out he only does odd jobs.
(Fahrenheit. In Celsius this would be deadly)
He's a good buoy.
spoilerdon’t ask meow
spoilerit was very time consuming
My therapist said I had impasta syndrome.
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Because they use a honey comb.
spoilerYou mean an air pump?
Because it had beef.
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.. but nevermind, it's tearable.
Haven't seen any posts all year.
So I could start the year off on the right foot.
Beauty rule
They're so full of potential
It was quite the paradox!
They were really into each other
spoilerShe lobster job
An old farmer was hauling a load of manure when he was stopped by a highway patrol officer who says, "You were speeding and I'm going to give you a ticket."
A lollygagger.
That would be a big step forward
He's a pet peeve
I told her I ate all the candy. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
What a kind jester. 🤡
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Because they are alloys
They are, after all, what they are.
Sadly, no pun in ten did.
Saint Nickel-less.
Because they don’t have the guts!
The cina-minimum.
Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia.
AnswerNone. There are no W's in "all".
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Lady Ba Ba
You’ll always find yourself Bargaining.
A panthem
The meetings are just too full of buzzwords.
A monk once got locked out of the monastery.
So I went in as Batman.
A blast from the past.
Via Mastodon.
When you're reading a dictionary.
I can't explain it, but they just have a certain *chien ne sais quoi*
The Pastor of Muppets is coming your way!
This may result in remote cod execution.
"But you ARE a lawyer."
"Man that's wild!"
A pouch potato
For those with lower back pain:
Turns out it was just some sham poo
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A lighthouse
Because proper tea is theft!
It had a kaleidoscope
Guilty of resisting a-rest.