Abortion Bans Are Empowering Abusive Men—and Prominent ‘Pro-Life’ Activists Are Representing Them

submitted by jeffw edited


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the very foundation of an abortion ban is an assumption that a woman’s body does not belong to her. Abusive men agree.

I'm at a loss for a phrase that expresses the opposite of "unlikely allies" correctly. That I'm surprised, not that they're working together, but that it took them so long to do openly

jeffw [OP]

I’m tempted to say that there’s a large overlap but obviously IPV transcends political views.


Many think they're coming for no fault divorce. I don't blame them for thinking that.

jeffw [OP]

Probably because some have literally said they’re gunning for it. I can see the one angry guy’s face and can’t think of his name. I think it was the “change my mind” meme guy.


Yup you're right. That asshole's name is Stephen Crowder.

jeffw [OP]

Yeah! My more embarrassing take is “that guy who looks like Billy Eichner” lol. But maybe that’s just me who sees the resemblance?

This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥

Maybe Billy Eichner after he's taken a sledgehammer to the face and underwent facial reconstruction surgery.


The love child of billy eichner and Matt gaetz


That headline is solidly in the 'no shit' category


I was under the impression that that was the point

jeffw [OP]

I was under the impression it was an “added bonus” for these people