US will take over Gaza strip, neighbouring countries could fund Palestinian resettlement, Trump says
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Trump says Gaza should not be rebuilt by Palestinians, arguing neighbouring countries should build "domains" for their resettlement.
Let me guess, a few of those "domains" will be built by companies he and his kids partner with? Sounds lucrative for him, how convenient.
Hasn't Jared Kushner had an eye on that land for a while?
At least Kamala isn't in office being all neutral and trying to strike a deal with both sides, right voters? /s
All those Nationwide Genocide Protests sure helped... The Republican Party.
Top comment in every thread about this is some smug liberal and nobody is discussing doing anything to help. This "vote for the less bad option every 4 years mindset" is what gave you a fascist and a lame duck to begin with.
Go burn shit ffs, shout, strike, riot.
Yeah, just like he got Mexico to pay for that wall.