White House preparing executive order to abolish the Department of Education
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The White House is drafting an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, aligning with Trump's long-standing pledge.
However, Congress must approve the agency's abolition, making its passage unlikely despite GOP control. Critics, including the National Education Association, warn this move would harm students, increase costs, and weaken protections.
GOP lawmakers have repeatedly attempted to eliminate the department since its 1979 founding.
Trump also recently signed an order expanding school choice, reinforcing the Republican agenda of decentralizing education policy.
How about we abolish student loans instead.
Congress is required for all sorts of shit that Elon is doing but that isn’t stopping Elon.
Laws are not some sort of natural force. They are implemented by people and all of those people are either fascists or cowards.
Trumps immunity plus his pardon power make him king. All of his minions can do all the illegal things they want. Trump can then pardon them and he isn’t liable for their crimes if he is doing something roughly in line with his duties are President. John Roberts fucked us all.
The only way this is going to be solved is by people power. Organize. Fight these fascists.
This is exactly why musk is not appointed, he can't be impeached and as you said DOJ and pardons will protect him.
You forgot money.
They already blocked organization by controlling the mass media and major social platforms are in cahoots.
Facebook, Twitter/X and tiktok all pushed trump and hid Kamala during the campaign. Not to mention the influencers that got paid to push Trump.
Any type of hashtag or trend that tries to fight back is just going to get pushed down in "the algorithm" or straight up blocked (search kamala on twitter)
That's why word-of-mouth about the Fediverse is so powerful - and why it'll become increasingly important to return to the old methods of organizing - in person, posters put up at night, meetings in basements and in homes, discussions in back alleys and storage closets. Zines and fliers.
Huh... I'm tired of feeling helpless, and have been wondering what I can do. I'm so frustrated with the constant bombardment of awful news, and the fact that seemingly nobody I interact with in the real world has any fucking idea that it's happening.
Maybe I'll be that crazy guy that makes his own newsletter and hands it out at work.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
I think WhatsApp groups might work to spread the word as well. It's mainstream enough and can't be banned like other platforms.
It's owned by Meta, why would you trust them?
Most privacy minded people don’t, but that is something that is a lot harder to get rid of for the majority of the countries where it is the default way of communicating these days
Its E2E messaging so no moderation.
Since it has widespread adoption one could use it to great local groups to share info and plan protests.
Never mind about zines and flyers. Do graff. Project images on the sides of buildings. Put up QR codes that point to ephemeral sites. Nothing persistent, nothing traceable.
nobody is forced to use these platforms and we were able to deal with worse restrictions.
Correct. If you want to see how fascism ends, look at pictures of Mussolini's corpse hanging in public. That's the only way it ends. The sooner the better
That's how fascism ended that one time. Francisco Franco died of old age in his bed. So did Pinochet. The generals' junta in Portugal were eased out but the guilty were never held to account. The future is what we make it be. History doesn't write itself.
The actual Fascist leader in Portugal was nota a military and also died in his bed and the guys who were in power after him and were eased out were also not military.
You might be mixing it with Greece which (if I remember it correctly) were a military junta, curiously militarily helped into getting power by the Brits at the end of WWII.
HR 899
0 cosponsors and probably hasn't even been looked at by the education committed it was submitted to.
We're wasting time talking about theoretical nonlaws when theres actual real shit happening.
For real. Plus it's Dem-sponsored, so until it gets an R cosponsor it's likely not even going to make it to the floor.
Excuse my ignorance but organize to do what specific actions?
Here is a single thing that anyone should be doing, there are other resources elsewhere. But everyone should be working with their unions or forming unions at their places of work. It is surprisingly easy to do, and even MAGA people can recognize they are being fucked by capital. Unionizing the workplace is where our power lies. It is the thing that fascists have always feared. Use those unions to gain concessions from the bosses. Get higher wages, safer work environments, set schedules, etc.
Ok, here is a second idea. Feed your neighbors. Go help feed the homeless folk in your community.
Showing compassion for everyone is a radical act. Build solidarity.
Sounds like something Jesus would do. Woke idiot.
/s, or is it
“The failure mode of clever is “asshole.”” John Scalzi
I've had the misfortune to know a lot of assholes in my life, and very few of them were clever. So, at very least, it's the failure mode for a much wider staring group than the clever.
The thing to do to stop this was vote blue no matter who in the 2016 and 2024 elections. Failing that, you'll have to convince 13 Republicans to impeach and remove Donald Trump.
But guess what? That won't happen. No matter what, we're going to see people suffer and violence in the streets. Whether you're keeping yourself safe at home or contributing to the violence is up to you.
We'll let you know when you have a need to know.
Normally the state would have a lot less power over judges. In the US the state has power over judges AND there is a jury system.
Education is Fascisms biggest enemy. That's why.
It might be worth mentioning that Andrew Johnson signed the Department of Education into law in 1867. It was elevated to a cabinet position in 1979 by Carter from it's previous position within the Department of Health, Education, And Welfare.
The idea that the government has a constitutional interest in fostering the education of the public is NOT a new thing contrary to what conservatives would have you believe. An educated populace is an essential function of a representative democracy.
Even the moneyed elites should be wary of this since even the regimes were money is the most concentrated in the fewest of hands are proportionally far poorer when their Education systems are bad, probably because o many of the higher value adding businesses require comparativelly well educated workers and even a lot of products require well educated users (who as consumers buy those products).
People who are illiterate, even if only functionally so, can't handle most modern devices, at work or at home.
At least up to a point, the level of Education of the populous is the difference between being a Latin America style Economy or being an European style one.
They want feudalism
But I can’t figure out *why*. A society with severe brain drain would lead to reduced quality of life for them as well. Are they just banking on AI to do everything while everyone dies in rebellions and counter-rebellions? Shit, that’s probably it.
Fascists aren’t particularly smart. They tend to lose in the long run because they just cannot comprehend anything complex. All their philosophy is wishful thinking and simple heuristics that follow their preconceived notions about the superiority of their in group.
They want feudalism because they can’t stand anyone having power other than the people who deserve to rule. They can’t stand that non elites can vote, demand decent wages, etc. so they want feudalism without understanding the downstream effects of that.
They are just fucking dumb. And that is why, if we get enough time, we will win against them. Climate change might get us. But we will fucking destroy these no knowing fuck wits.
They measure their quality of life by their ability to dominate others. On top of the desire for feudalism for many of them is a desire for theocracy. For them politics peaked at the divine right of kings.
Yeah, I also don't understand why they're aiming for this kind of society. Eventually they'll cut so much that the actual pie will shrink, so they'll end up getting less while being surrounded by slums.
Yeah, but at least a black person didn't get something they didn't.
More white people on food stamps than black.
If everything is going to shit, getting a slightly less shit deal even if it means everyone else gets a whole lot more shit is a deal people will take just about 10/10 times across an electorate.
Neura-starlink, first on prisoners, then on everyone else and apparently the op paperclip people in conjunction with USA make the thousand year reign a reality.
Think of the rich as aliens. Extract all the wealth from available resources and then move on to the next country. More likely than not, they will die before any of their damage matters enough to bother them. This is why they want to drill.
But an educated populace is anathema to the ruling class.
In a democracy the people are the ruling class.
Show me a single democracy where there is only one social class.
Show me any government where there is only one social class.
The US is no longer a democracy.
Never has been
Not when there's only two parties available: the fascist party and the party of drinking tea while watching the fascists burn the world, voting to confirm henchmen between sips.
Almost forgot Congress was a thing since there's been little to no mention about them in this shit circus
The Republicans have all the power in Congress and they are all afraid of Trump.
That's by design, they stay silent and don't take the polling hit.
Don't worry, Congress holds the purse/wallet so nothing can get done without their approval as they have the spending power. That is unless they hijack the payment systems to no longer require congress and making complete control one step closer...
Ohhhh... wait....
I'm so sorry, Americans. I'm not sure who is even able to liberate your country. You and the Russians liberated the camps in Europe at the end of WW2, but who's there for you?
I think you might need to liberate yourself.
Again. I'm sorry. Good luck
There isn't anyone. Do everything you can to protect your country from us!
perhaps Germany will fight against the Nazis this time around?
Germany has behaved as a lapdog since WW2, are you kidding?
Could make for one hell of a redemption arc lol /s
I was going to ask if this means I no longer have to pay back my student loans, but of course I know better than that.
Shit is getting done so scattershot, I think there's a really, really good chance that a lot of records are going to fall through the cracks or "fall through the cracks" as different databases are deleted, offices closed, code based altered, and agencies demolished.
Would be funny af if some madlad goes maliciouscompliance and deletes all records on student loans or something like that.
Don’t forget those backups need to also be corrupted or otherwise unrecoverable as well
Thats the goal.
Evennif somehow there is another election, everything will be too broken to even begin to repair it.
Yup. And I thought that the U.K. was a shit hole.
The debt that the government owns would be sold to private lenders and the whole situation will get dramatically worse.
Yeah probably... I'm also ~1 year of payments away from Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Just waiting for the letter/email telling me they're clawing it back.
Most of my student loans are with a private lender anyway, and it's 1000x worse than the federal loans. They don't even have repayment plans. If you can't pay the minimum (which doesn't even cover the entire principal), well fuck you too bad
There, fixed the "we must obscure reality by using their terms so they won't come after us next" cowardice.
If the Federal Government doesn’t want to be responsible for anything, why even be a country? Each state be their own I guess /s
Also are they going to reduce taxes for all the cuts? Doubt it, but states would have to make increases to cover all the new work.
we live in the dumbest timeline.
Literally what the fuck are we paying taxes for, they are dismantling every bit of representation of the people possible. Well only have ruch fucks and bombs left to pay for.
The collective "we" voted to give all of our money over to Trump I just council of billionaires.
Legitimately considering calling my HR and changing my tax status so I don't pay any tax on my paychecks. I won't be filing. Why in the actual fuck would I continue to pay taxes. I cant even tell what it would go towards at this point. Can someone honestly tell me? Where are the taxes taken off my next paycheck going to go? I could just buy a blue checkmark if I wanted to enrich elon directly.
Literally DONT pay taxes.
Unless they do away with the IRS altogether, they'll still use it as a cudgel against the poors, and political foes. I would not count on there being no enforcement there.
Their audit rate even on the poor was awful before they decided to duck up the IRS. I don't think they could handle one or even two cycles if enough people did this.
To provide funds that will be funnelled into the pockets of Trump, Musk and their cronies.
Right, but do away with the federal income tax, and good luck ever getting it back. That would be the final nail in the coffin, and the end of the United States of America.
The US is already over mate.
It's not over until we have surrendered or they have killed us.
Dude, the US is already cooked. I'm not seeing a way back from this.
You laugh, this is literally Curtis Yarvin's (one of Elon's mentors) vision of America. A patchwork of corporatocratic fiefdoms, technically beholden to a federal government that basically only exists to be the arm of violence. The whole "no authority higher than a county sheriff" thing? Came out of his books. The idea of being "educated" will only be for the vaunted manager-class. All of us not lucky enough to be in the millionaire's club, or one of their trusted lackeys, will be lucky to know how to read beyond a 3rd-grade level, or do math beyond simple arithmetic.
Welcome to Elon's Brave New World!
So, neofeudalism.
Yep. The Endarkenment.
Keep people dumb. Write their own history to "educate" the dumb. Sounds about right.
For this reason, if you have anything with at least 32 GB of RAM and a GPU, you should get a copy of Ollama and test it out running a local copy of Deepseek. That's going to soon become the best 0 new dollars tool for access to education.
In case anyone is still wondering if Republicans are enemies of the United States of America, you need not wonder anymore.
Why use big words when small words do trick.
Soon enough, when you have to select a language on a devive, the difference between: english (uk) and english (american) will make a whole lot more sense.
Knowledge is power, and the GOP can't have educated people around...gotta keep that shit in check and keep our kids stupid so they can't ask questions, you know?
Let em keep chopping off the federal government ..... at one point, individual states will start wondering why they are all interconnected in a union that doesn't do anything or provide any benefits any more and start acting like independent nations.
Exactly like every foreign adversary wants
The foes of Western Rome wished for its collapse, skip forward a couple hundred years and Charlemagne conqeured as far as Carpathia. Nowadays things most far faster, I suspect the voide would be filled by better organized states who will have roughly the same foreign policy within a decade maybe less.
It's still weird how Trump is so chummy with Putin, the leader of a hostile authoritarian regime! \/s
Wait until the working class in those foreign adversary nations start noticing the same thing...
They want it to happen
DARK GOTHIC MAGA: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America
by Blonde Politics | The Silly Serious
wow! ... thanks for that link and that video. An unbelievable wrap up and investigation and indepth analysis of what this new US government is aiming for. A serious watch that everyone should listen to.
I'll be sharing this with everyone I know
Blonde Politics / The Silly Serious is led by Joanna Richards - http://joannarichards.com/
You act like this isn't the goal.
You ain't just whistlin' Dixie
How you all haven't had a revolution I'll never understand.
When the capitol of the country is possibly thousands of miles away, and missing work means losing health insurance and becoming homeless, it terrifies a lot of people that can't even miss one day of work for being sick, let alone the days' journey and expense it would take. Much longer than the maximum 8 hour drive it would take to get from anywhere in Germany to Berlin, by comparison.
Not an excuse either, the US is just huge, and set up for citizens to fail if they actually stand up.
Surely there are protests in places other than DC too though
Jan 6th 2021
Those morons didn't come from DC, distance didn't keep them from acting!
Oddly if you look into a lot of them, there were a lot of "small business owners" that aren't beholden to a company or people connected to someone else's wealth, or illegal under the table wealth, or other shady things. It has been a while since I looked into it, but it was a combination of personal fiscal stupid decisions, access to rich with money to burn. The tl;dr was basically: they didn't care what they did to themselves because they thought The Orange Oompa McBurger Loompa was going to anoint them all soldiers of his magic rich person court.
When you have a fatalist/selfish/sure-thing psychology working "outside" the system, you really don't care if your kids have medication, and you don't lose your health insurance because you're taking Ivermectin from the neighborhood vet that sells it under the table.
And where are all those proud people, who so furiously attacked Russians with rhetoric: *why won't you stop Putin, you lazy asses!"
I'd love to be at the protests tomorrow. Why it's on a weekday I'm not sure, but my capitol is hours away, and I work. I just started a new job and barely make enough to make ends meet until I get my first commission checks. I wasn't working for months prior.
I literally can't afford to go protest.
Read Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 for some insight.
Also, that whole treatise on language that Orwell stuck in the middle of 1984...
Bread and circuses. No one wants to revolt.
"The super bowl is on and I just heated up some nacho cheese dip."
We aren't starving enough. That's why. I give is 18 months or so.
Look at us in Russia. Years go by, and we still are not revolting.
I'm afraid, it will not be months for you.
For better or worse, civilians here have far more guns. But, your point still holds.
US Healthcare system is the worst in the world by any measure from cost to outcomes
Republicans: lets do the same to the education system.
If NBC thinks he needs an act of Congress then they haven't been paying paying attention to USAID.
Who the fuck am I kidding, they know damn well what's going on and refuse to print it.
Good luck to your kids and grandkids, education is fucked. Back to the feudal times where only royalty and the rich were educated. If this passes I am not paying student loans anymore. The department that issued them will be gone so why pay.
That loan will just get transferred to DOGE dont worry.
Transferred to X cause it got the license to operate as a bank approved.
I mean that's the point right? It took a lot of work to get the populous this dumb. Imagine what those that have risen to power can get away with if we make people even dumber!
I'm not eorried about it.
The planet is already going to purge humanity from its face by 2050 or so anyway from the Climate Change crisis.
😑 sigh.
So, the DOE handles student loans. No DOE, what happens to the loans?
I'm sure the "servicers" will continue to collect. Republicans went out of their way to file a suit on behalf of one of them that triggered relief getting blocked.
Don't worry, they will make sure to close all of the loopholes that might actually benefit the working class.
Yep, student loan repayment is the one point on which politicians will grow a spine and object. God forbid they unite on anything else.
As someone who's got ~1 year left of payments on his Public Service Loan Forgiveness, I'm just waiting for the news that it's been cancelled and my loans will not be forgiven.
Yeah, you would think that would get rid of the loans, but realistically they'll just sell the loans to some bank, and then a political solution to debt forgiveness becomes completely impossible.
They also manage the school vouchers. It's literally getting in the way of their own goals. Something I mentioned months ago.
Just heads up, DOE is Department of Energy. Official abbreviation for Department of Educations is ED, an informal one is DoEd.
Also the student loans would be transfered to Department of Treasury, which they will likely try to do even if ED is not shut down.
The executive order’s a symbolic gesture—Congress won’t scrap the Department outright. But the subtext? Steady erosion. Shift student debt oversight to Treasury, pare back civil rights investigations, let federal education funds atrophy. States then fill the vacuum: red ones push vouchers, defund “woke” curricula, blue ones scramble to plug gaps.
The playbook’s transparent. Undermine trust in public institutions, then offer “choice” as salvation. Rural GOP districts take the bait, then recoil when their Title I lunches and special ed services evaporate. Even conservatives quietly rely on federal data systems and grant streams—hypocrisy’s baked in.
Latest school choice expansions? Distraction tactics. Real damage accrues in the margins: disabled students lose protections, civil rights complaints backlog, teacher retention plummets. ED’s survived 40 years of GOP vitriol because dismantling it’s all optics, no payoff.
Predictable cycle. Provoke outrage, let chaos incentivize privatization. Rinse, repeat.
Congress doesn't need to be okay with it if Elon's cronies waltz in and kick everyone out.
It's crazy that people still don't seem to understand this.
Ah, the classic "just do it anyway" approach. Cute, but federal agencies have this pesky thing called statutory authority. Even Elon's crew can't magic away the Administrative Procedure Act. Though watching them try would be... entertaining.
What about the last eight years has made you think these people will follow the rule of law?
*adjusts reading glasses, sips coffee*
Look, I get the revolutionary fervor—very 2025 energy. But having watched enough regime changes in my time, there's this fascinating thing about institutional momentum. Even when someone kicks in the door waving the proverbial .44, bureaucracy has its own gravity.
Sure, the last eight years showed some... creative interpretations of executive power. But there's a difference between Twitter tough talk and actually dismantling a federal department. Those career civil servants? They've survived multiple "this time it's different" moments.
Not saying the system's perfect—hell, it's a mess. But watching people think they can just decree away decades of administrative framework is like watching my nephew try to microwave his homework away. Entertaining, but not quite how things work.
Then again, what do I know? I just watch the pendulum swing.
I understand your argument. But the entire premise is grounded in the assumption of courts upholding precedent and not letting an executive operate outside the confines of the law. The president has immunity. Congress is ineffectual at best and actively evil at worst. I mean for fucks sake, the current occupant of the White House lead an attempted coup and is still being permitted to sign, enact and decree legislation. If the checks and balances in our system were functioning, I'd be willing to get in line with you. But it's so painfully clear that they are not.
You're wrong. They will not wait for Congress to do anything.
Who the fuck is going to stop them, you?
The courts, actually. Been there since Nixon tried similar stunts. Administrative state's got more staying power than most realize. But hey, doom scrolling's more fun than reading SCOTUS precedents.
Oh, the SCOTUS that said anything done by a sitting president is automatically legal? That one?
Ah, you mean the unitary executive theory? That magical interpretation where presidential power is somehow absolute? Fascinating how selective that reading was—worked great for executive orders, not so much for criminal immunity.
The courts have been remarkably... flexible with precedent lately. But even in this twilight zone version of constitutional law, there's still that pesky difference between issuing orders and having them actually implemented. The machinery of state has its own peculiar physics.
Though I suppose when SCOTUS is rewriting administrative law on the fly, precedent becomes more of a suggestion than a rule. Welcome to the constitutional speedrun era.
They will physically remove people from their jobs if it comes down to it, regardless of the legality of the order. You really don't seem to get it.
We already have precedent for a president ignoring a SCOTUS decision (Andrew Jackson).
Does the Supreme Court have some kind of secret police force that makes sure the other two branches of the government follow their rulings?
In fascism, might makes right, and the person with the biggest guns/army gets what they want, or else they just fucking kill you.
Jackson's precedent created a constitutional crisis that haunted executive power for generations. But let's ignore history because "guns solve everything," right?
And no, SCOTUS doesn't need secret police when they have the entire administrative state's inertia. The machine keeps running because people show up, file papers, and follow procedure—not because someone's pointing weapons.
Eh? Do you think I was agreeing with Jackson (or in this case Trump), or condoning it?
It's just history.
Speaking of history, it seems like you need to learn some things (or refresh your memory). Because this is exactly how society has always worked. The majority of human civilization has been this.
So that's the game
Been the Republicans game for as long as I can remember.
"The government sucks, it's too big, and it's broken. Elect me so I can break it more to prove I was right"
Well yeah, but that's Step 1, I was never sure what Step 2 was...
A false choice that equates to gift-wrapping a ticking time bomb and saying it's a brand new alarm clock...
Makes sense
The executive orders are the start of rule by decree, and as long as the legislative and judicial branches let it happen, he'll get away with it.
Rule by decree? My brother in Christ, have you met the federal bureaucracy? Even if they published the order tomorrow, implementation would take years of litigation. Death by a thousand memoranda.
This CollegeHumor video was 8 years ahead of its time: If the Other Party Wins
Give the power back to the states but create a credentialing system to weed out 'unpatriotic' teachers. Shall that be left to the states too?
You mean the White House is preparing an executive order for protests so they can still gitmo faster?
This is one people should seriously protest to fucking stop. Education is the one thing that levels the playing field for people across different socioeconomic backgrounds. Get on the phone to your representatives, this is the main one they were working towards and wanted to distract from!
Exactly, and that'll be why it's one of the first things they want to piss all over.
I can't fucking tell if this is a joke or not
Nothing is a joke anymore. It's happening. It's real. We are all fucked
I assure you that this is no joke.
Have to continue to create more stupid people to follow him.
Is this better or worse then him packing the Department of Education with ideologues?
Remember when Bush pushed the "No Child Left Behind Act", and we all realized the federalization of control over education was deeply problematic and removed democratic control over education? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
The government not handling every social function in society isn't scary on its own. That in combination with the people as a whole having no control over the economy is when that becomes nasty (i.e., economic inequality). That is of course the vision of the ruling class.
Yeah, that's not the lesson I learned from that...
And the sad part is that a lot of teachers voted for Cheetolini.
What possible reason could they have for voting so directly against their own interests?
My honest guess? A misinformation campaign and a complete misunderstanding of Cheetolini’s platform which had quite a few fill in the blanks type “policies”, that made people imagine whatever they wanted into his campaign promises.
that will... teach them?
the federal department does some very important assistance to state departments and students, but it is worth noting that states do basically all of the actual control and management of schools
Come on, other branches of government do your job. Even if you agree with the executive branch doesn't have this power.
I had no idea the
DOEfederal Education Department was that recently created. Having grown up in a deep red state I feel like a veil was suddenly lifted from me, and now I can see how even more fucked up my older relatives’ education must have been compared to mine (already pretty fucked up!).DoE was founded in 1867.
Oops, mixed that up with the federal Education Department. Thanks for the correction!
So how is Betsy DeVos gonna siphon money for public schools to provide schools?
Smart voters are just no good.
"We don't need no education" -- Pink Floyd, The Wall, 1979 & Donald Trump, Crazy Actionism, 2025
Hey evryone!! Big mooves are hapening in the world of Ed-U-Kashun! The Departmint of Edukation is gettin the boot!!! No more bossy beurocratz teling teechers what 2 do!!! Trumps doin it, an its about TIME!!
Thnik about it—why do we need a bunch of folks in Washintun teling local skools how 2 run??? It’s like they no better then us parints and edukaytors. Time too cut the kord and let fredom RING!!
But wate, some peepul are crying fowl!! The NEA an other groops are UPSET becuz they cant keep there grip on things. They want MORE RULEZ an HIGER TAXIS so they can stay in charge!?!? Can u beleev that?? It’s all about KEEPING POWER, NOT HELPIN KIDS!!!
Without the DOE skools can save monee an stop following outdate rulez!! Teechers can TEACH how THEY WANT and studants can LERN at THERE own pace!!! It’s like a fresh start 4 evryone!!!
And dont 4get Trumps skool choice oder!!! Now, local leeders can decide what wurks BEST for there kidz!! No more distunt beurocrats messing things UP!!
So, let’s MAKE IT HAPEN!!! The Dept of Edukashun is HISTORY!!! Skool choice is on the table, an local leeders are READY to take CHARGE!! Who needs a Dept of Ed when you got SMART FOLKS makin desishuns 4 ur kidz?? LETS GO EDUKASHUN FREDOM!!!
Every classroom must have a portrait of trump.
Yes, the Great Leader must be appeased!
This is a good choice as they just sit around and do nothing all day anyway considering who got elected.