Unmasked: Musk’s secret DOGE goon squad—who are all under 26
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Imagine being such massive pieces of shit so young.
Moron squad, assemble!
Nazi squad.
Remember, he did the salute. Twice.
Hitler Youth.
Musky Youth?
(H)IT(ler) Youth?
Ellen's Youngins?
Sorry, trying to make fun of them in some way is helping me deal with.... *gesturing broadly* ... this.
knowing he was in full view of the world
The Gaetz-keepers
Hitler youth?
Xitler youth
Pronounced 'shitler', right?
Yes. Xitter.
Oh look, Elon groomed little boys who could have gone on to do something great.
Some opportunistic idiots who seemingly don't have anything to lose and can be ditched by Elon as scapegoats if the need arises. I almost sure he groomed them with the myth of him being self-made billionaire and provided them a fabulous opportunity to join him. I'm almost sure they aren't kids anymore, but also that they don't know how to crime and that they need a plan B. In the musical chairs game they are likely to fall on their asses once the music stops.
Needs a catchy phrase to go with it. How about "Night of the Long Knives"?
It would rather be some 'DOGE-styling you GF as she screams in X-citement' kind of bullshit. Elon can't names.
Hmmmmm.... Some of those faces look a bit DEI to this proud American. At least they're all males.
DEI, all of them. They look like being assigned male at birth, but have obviously all transitioned into massive cunts.
Yeah maybe if he sums up all of his pre-tax total comp for each year he worked there, he might barely reach a seven figure number lmao
"You have committed a crime."
Dangerous words. The kind of words that could get a man killed.
Let the arrests for thought crimes begin.
The presidential diaper baby is a felon, and the people in charge of government don't even have degrees
Remember that next time an entry level job requires a master's, background check, and 5 years experience
incel coup
Archive link for those who hit the wall: https://archive.is/PWORx/
Funny, i expected their shirts to be browner.
And the complexions to be lighter.
I really look forward to all 6 behind bars in a few years. I wonder if they know the level of treason they are committing?
There are a lot of steps before that happens. They are much more likely to end up killed than imprisoned by the looks of things.
Some needs to put these fucken kids to bed.
Wait.. I thought it was a crime to name them and share their picture.
Is the Musk Militia (or MM for short) coming for us?
Musk is an unelected Nazi tearing down the fabric of the country hour by hour. It's incredible that no one can stop the little shit or his team of little shits.
Yeah... It's too bad that the government doesn't have some sort of checks and balances..
Tho there are protests scheduled for tomorrow at your state capitol. But idk that'll help. A
Protests won't fix it, in themselves. But it's important to show up because that shows people they're not alone in resisting this. A big protest encourages, emboldens and connects people. It's one of the steps towards building an effective resistance movement. If everyone says "it won't help, so I won't go" then the movement can't get off the ground.
Protests are good to demonstrate a movement has real numbers, but don't just go to one to stand there. It's a great place to find political organizations which can work to create actual change.
Not to name them, they are public employees after all, but threatening them or doxing them will get the comments removed.
That's the thing, they aren't public employees. DOGE isn't a valid government department, which requires congress. This is a private citizen and his private employees/associates (is he even paying them?) staging a take over of the government. Don't just grant them authority because they claimed to have it.
The 🥦 is strong!
Imagine thinking this is a good career move. Or haircut.
This kid really out here using his haircut to advertise his dad's popcorn company.
Not even old enough for their car insurance to have dropped yet
Peter Thiel’s blood boys.
Awww, it's the Trumpler youth
Blood for the ai god
I always fancied myself as more of a Tzeentch adherent, but I'm down to start adding some skulls to the fucking Skull Throne right about now...
Has anyone tried punching their oh so punchable little faces?
That's pretty much what I expected
"Good Squad" is peak headline. They do look like a bunch of gooners.
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If at least one of those assholes doesn't catch a bullet, I'll be very surprised.
And disappointed.
The records they've illegally accessed and tampered with are protected by numerous federal laws. Some of these carry the death penalty. These kids could literally end up hanging for this.
Except there's no chance they will. America was absolutely terrible at killing its traitors and was dismantled as a result.
To be clear, this is a legit article so it stays, but no threats of Luigi here guys, lemmy can't afford the attention.
Exactly how I expected them to look tbh. Just generic looking kids.
They aren't kids. They're adults that have made their decision and must deal with the blowback from the public.
"adult" is just a word. 19 year olds are... *barely* adult, by my definition. I started feeling more like an adult around 30, if I'm honest. That's when my brain was like, alright, *maybe* I'm responsible, confident, and settled enough to have kids of my own. To take *real* responsibility.
To understand what's happening right now please watch and share:
How credible is the channel? Also Gaza might be a perfect blank slate to set one of those patch. We ll see if USA give it to Israel or not.
Not sure about the credibility of the channel, but the information conveyed in that video falls in line with a profiling of JD Vance and Peter Theil that I heard from NPR a couple of months before the election
Chairman Musk's Red Guards. His totally genius thinking spinned ground breaking innovative way to push authoritarian scheme using gullible youth.
These are our future politicians. Image how evil they will become before they start running for office.
Meritocracy at work !
These guys are obviously the most experimented people you could ever find for the job. Some of them even have a degree !
Old creepy rich dudes have been exploiting young men for millennia, nothing new.
Can't wait the Mike Judge limited series on this.
are there references on what doge is and is not supposed to be?
i guess dailybeast and wired made a sane call at least. baby steps.
Strange that none of them have DSL's for their Groomer Elon!
The yes-
mandaddy militia.Bottom left has school shooter vibes
People should be careful in what they believe and trust. Musk created a belief long ago.
and its not at all surprising to see charlie kuck defending this
These guys look like the sort of person who will spend the rest of their life bragging about this hoping it will help them get laid and not realizing it's why they can't
There's reasons why they suck, and it's not because of when they were born
Yes when they are ALL under 25 is called ageism and grooming.
It is much more common for people who have only worked at 1 or 2 places, and who have not seen the impacts of changing economic cycles, to have less context and understanding of what is normal and acceptable.
What's with the weird obsession with their age?
People who are that young aren't very responsible and experienced yet. And irresponsible and inexperienced people shouldn't have huge responsibilities.
25 isn't that young.
18 is good enough to join the military.
It just doesn't track well and there is everything else about it to focus on that going on about their age is just like "that's all you got?"