'We would call it a coup': watchdogs and Dems attack Elon Musk Treasury Department takeover

submitted by return2ozma@lemmy.world



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What we have is a wildly dysfunctional federal government, that is coming apart at the seams because it turns out whatever stability we used to have was actually just held together with the scotch tape of good intentions and gentlemanly agreements rather than actual rules. All three branches are entirely captured by oligarchs that have no reverence for democracy, the constitution, or the people of this nation. The media has no incentive to educate the populace and the mob is slobbering with manufactured fear, driving them to shoot themselves in the dick over and over and over again. All of this is sitting on top of the stumbling momentum of unfathomable military capacity that renders the rest of the world impotent to stand in opposition. There’s no consistent rule of law, and the emerging feudal class is building bunkers.

Reminded of one of the few times I liked Keith Olberman:

i totally agree, but not sure you can call it a coup if you voted for it

The Nazis were voted into power too. And then destroyed the state from within. Call it what you like, but the parallels are very obvious.

Actually they weren't. Even at the height of their popularity the Nazis 'only' got 39% of the vote. They never had a majority. The reason Hitler got to power was, shocker: the conservatives handed it to him by making him chancellor. They rather worked with fascists than socialists and communists. This is not to say that they liked Hitler, but they figured they could appease him and control him somehow. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? All these people who would 'never support democrats' and thereby gave the keys to the kingdom to Donald fucking Trump.

Well, anyway, they couldn't control him. When Hitler became chancellor the first thing he did was dissolve the Reichstag and pass the Enabling Act, which gave him the power to pass laws by decree (in stead of needing to go through parliament).

Well that was the beginning of the end. In quick succession he removed freedom of the press; he used the Reichstag fire as a reason to suspend the constitution, with the Reichstag Fire Decree, thus taking away civil rights: No more habeas corpus, no more freedom of assembly, no more freedom of expression, no more legal limits on house searches, confiscations, etc. He made unions illegal, he stripped German Jews of their citizenships, he banned all political parties except his own, the list goes on and on.

All of this was done legally. He used to law to turn a relatively progressive republic into a genocidal regime. It can absolutely happen again and it can absolutely happen in the U.S. - we are seeing it happen in real time.

So you had a chat about a bad thing. Now what? Keep talking? Yeah, keep talking. That’ll change things.

Sure, but we can't ever stop talking about it either. We need more, too. But we need to keep making people aware. Keep it in the news, keep it in public discourse.

"We *would* call it a coup, but we're afraid."

Can any of these people do anything? It's insane. There's a lot of talk, but no one is stopping anything, or (seemingly) trying.

There's only so much that words can do.

Being a trained software engineer, no matter how good doesn't make you an expert in finance, law, economics or anything else related to what they have their hands in.

Yeah I was thinking the same and haven't seen anyone else point this out. How the fuck is it possible for these schmucks to grasp the mechanics of something so large in just a few days with no prior training or experience. It's pure insanity.

They're only concerned with grinding it to a halt. Then they can point to a private sector solution that can be contracted in.

I think their plan is much worse than that as they have unchecked power. This is more than just a grift to divert some government funds into the private sector.

The only time America loses its mind is when there’s a national security threat. I don’t know what’s going on here, but all of these allowances seem totally out of the norm, so I am going to guess it’s something like that.

This is a national security threat. The database accessed contains private information for a huge amount of people. SSNs, DOBs, addresses, names, and pay. That's for federal employees, retirees, anyone on Social Security income.

It pays government contracts (hey it's not like Elon has any of those!), it can be turned off, it can be manipulated, the data is being stolen via unverified, unapproved external drives, and God knows what is being installed into this system. Also, the people who are in charge of it are locked out.

Let's not forget Elon is a foreign born immigrant who overstayed his visa (an illegal immigrant you say?), was denied the appropriate security levels after his background check, recently had been in contact with foreign governments and tried to manipulate elections, has been courting far-right parties like AfD, and on a national stage threw up a Heil.

This is a goddamn joke.

Is it a coup if the president is allowing it and encouraging it to happen?

See autocoup.

Although... I wonder if Trump’s followers could be convinced that Musk is controlling him with one of his NeuraLink chips?

Are you implying that a president cannot be part of a coup?

Look, a self-professed Nazi that goes around pushing his views, now is in charge of The United States Treasury which is involved in EVERY expenditure and Penny the US spends.

A Nazi, is now in a ridiculously powerful position to affect every thing the USA does domestically, and internationally, and is supported by the President.

THIS is “America”?

Your country is FUCKING OVER, because ‘Americans’ let this happen.

But, …as long as you all have Tik Tok and FB, right?

I mean everyone is getting exactly what they voted for so what is the big problem?

Holy fuck what happened to his eyebrows.

The Demmings are grumpy.