Proud Boys Lose Control of Their Name to a Black Church They Vandalized

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Does this mean someone can open the "Proud Boys LGBTQ+ Commune?"

Proud Boys LGBTQ+ & Allies Parade

That's not what it is?

Reminds me of when their xitter hashtag got flooded with gay porn.

So… next we’ll see what happens when the PBs overtly ignore the ruling.

Right, as if the rules still matter. $20 says one or more of those idiots will try to apply their pardon to it.

If they have merch that’s just the letters “PB”, they can probably retain it and sell it if they change their name to “Peanut Butter Boys”

A name change to piss babies would be more fitting

Or Prepubescent B*tches.

Proud Boys, the church, take their name from now Nameless band of Nazi-admiring hooligans.

Lmao good! Get fucked racists!

No more thrown away Disney soundtrack singalongs at the nazi events?

What disgusting creatures these racist pieces of shit are.

Finally some good news!