Declassified CIA Guide to Sabotaging Fascism Is Suddenly Viral
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“>‘Misunderstand’ orders. Ask endless questions or engage in long correspondence about such orders. Quibble over them when you can.”
TLDR: be your typical middle manager
Also note has multiple uploads of it in various formats including a more readable PDF (the linked article has a rather dense Gutenberg HTML version)
I like how the list of cross posts includes this very community from 4 days ago.
The guide suddenly went viral... again!
Eh, I dunno what the big deal is. There's a bit in there about organizational sabotage which is useful, but most of it is about how to subtly break machines from the 40s. It's designed to fight the fascist military industry in occupied Europe 80 years ago, not a corporatized political takeover at home in the 21st century. Still, it's symbolic I guess, but it seems like the sort of thing people download without actually reading so they can act like part of the resistance.
What's a better resource?
Personally, I'd rather see the relevant information extracted and put into a shorter document and circulate that.
I didn't see a peertube version, so here's the youtube link to some ideas from the Serbian resistance:
It's a good read. Short and insightful. I read it to some friends on a discord call the other day and it really got us thinking lol.