Loops has a Discord now

submitted by m_f@midwest.social


Kind of weird to not use Matrix for a federated service like Loops TBH, but maybe it'll help attract interest


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I'm upvoting your comment, not the article. That Loops isn't (yet?) federated, the choice of a non-federated chat platform makes me a little more skeptical about the stated plan to implement federation.

Loops is a little federated, @dansup@loops.video is federated atm. I'm not worried about federation getting implemented full though. I'd like it to happen more quickly, but this is the same guy behind Pixelfed, which is taking up a lot of his time atm. He said all the Loops stuff will be published on Github this weekend, so hopefully the community will be able to help with that

I saw an announcement earlier today about the server being published in github, which is a step in the right direction.

I do wish people would stop using Discord, though. Hell, even IRC would be better.

I feel you, however, discord is THE place to chat if you want Feedback, people are already there... Well you know how it work eh!

I love Matrix and Element, I have a lot of stuff there (even my Server is sending notification to element instead of discord), but dammit sometime it's just aweful to use...

dammit sometime it's just aweful to use...

I feel the same way about Discord. At least I can find decent clients for Matrix; with Discord you're locked into their god-awful SPA.

Well tbh the Discord client is way more responsive and fast than any matrix client i've ever used.

Sure there are all the annoying crap, but you can use other client though, never got me banned or anything, but again, i'm not a huge discord user, so mileage may vary