Fights about policy changes explained
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Thanks for this - I was completely out of the loop about the situation. Fascinating in a way, a bit depressing in another.
@jeena Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I don't think this was decided by the team, I will dicuss.
(By the way, you confuse with The developers run oh yeah you're right, I mixed them up.
Well done explanation and I agree with your views. I knew about the policy change but didn't know about all the continuing drama.
If I were to play "Tankie's Advocate" regarding your own ban, I'd say, that it is indeed a common tactic by actual Nazis to go and claim the Soviets were the exact same as the Nazis, or even worse. Not to try and downplay the crimes under self-proclaimed "Marxism-Leninism", but Eastern Europe did not undergo something like what Generalplan Ost would have been under Nazi rule.
That all being said - my main account actually is on, I keep it because it's old and from before Lemmy got "popular" - also I am a communist myself - but the admins and mods on that instance really are not only banhappy, but also often have just nonsense views on their own history. Instead of confronting it and e.g. telling you that "Sure, there were crimes, they were inexcusable, that is why we have to understand why exactly they happened - but also they were not quite on the level of what Nazi leadership had planned for Eastern Europe.", they just silence you and deny anything bad happened. Because otherwise, they would have to admit to things not having been perfect, and give up on the ideologically warped idea of "Marxism" they internalised.
I love how Lemmy is now big enough that our squabbles make into a video😊