Ex-McKinsey partner pleads guilty to destroying records on opioids

submitted by MicroWave@lemmy.world



Former McKinsey partner Martin Elling pleaded guilty to obstructing justice by destroying documents tied to McKinsey's advice for Purdue Pharma on boosting OxyContin sales.

Elling helped devise strategies targeting "high-value" prescribers, including those involved in illegitimate opioid uses.

His plea follows McKinsey’s $650M settlement over its Purdue work and Purdue’s 2020 guilty plea for opioid-related misconduct.

Elling faces up to a year in prison, with sentencing set for April 4.

The case underscores accountability in the opioid crisis, which caused over 727,000 U.S. deaths since 1999.


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One year for murdering thousands of people with paperwork.

No justice, no peace.

Up to a year, up to. I'm betting on 1 month of home confinement.

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lol no way the USGOV will jail a partner at McKinsey for his work at McKinsey.

They have tossed their copy of the social contract in the garbage.

The case underscores accountability




Oh wait, that was supposed to be serious, not a joke, wasn’t it?

When this is what counts as "justice" or "rule of law" I cannot understand why anyone would be shocked or surprised about Luigi events.

Death sentence. Make the consequences horrendous for doing this kind of thing.

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The initial image in my head was of a person, high on opoids, hanging out in someone's living room and destroying their entire vinyl record collection.