Health Care AI, Intended To Save Money, Turns Out To Require a Lot of Expensive Humans.

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Oh hey, this same quote is relevant yet again:

In other words, an AI-supported radiologist should spend exactly the same amount of time considering your X-ray, and then see if the AI agrees with their judgment, and, if not, they should take a closer look. AI should make radiology *more* expensive, in order to make it more accurate.

But that’s not the AI business model. AI pitchmen are explicit on this score: The purpose of AI, the source of its value, is its capacity to increase productivity, which is to say, it should allow workers to do *more*, which will allow their bosses to fire some of them, or get each one to do more work in the same time, or both. The entire investor case for AI is “companies will buy our products so they can do more with less.” It’s *not* “business custom­ers will buy our products so their products will cost more to make, but will be of higher quality.”

Cory Doctorow: What Kind of Bubble is AI?

Just binged almost all of Doctorow's work. My god, the man is a genius. Even predicted the killing with “Radicalized”. Read that y'all. It was written in 2019.

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You know it's funny, this keeps happening with every single fucking AI thing they produce. It always still needs humans fixing its mistakes because its just not reliable enough.

I think it's doing a lot less reducing headcount and a lot more making people specialize in what I would call "bullshit," to be able to fix mistakes made by an AI quickly and efficiently.

Maybe, just maybe, if they have to pay people to fix the AIs work that they can cut out the middleman and just pay the people to do the fucking job to begin with. No, what am I saying, that's just ridiculous! /s

Ah, but you see the AI let us reduce headcount for full time employees. Reducing the budget for full time salaries.

Now we just spend twice as much on contractors and consultants, but that’s a different budget, so it’s not my problem.

There will be fake AI services actually performed by people. Mechanical Turk 2025 incoming

There already are!

That's what Amazon's entire walkout checkout tech was. It was claimed it was all "automated" and turns out in this case, when people say "AI" it doesn't mean "artificial intelligence" it means "actually Indians."