‘Pizzagate’ gunman fatally shot by police outside Charlotte in traffic stop
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Oh noes
Wow. The cops managed to only shoot the right guy? That's new.
I found an article that wasn't paywalled. Pulled a pistol on police during a traffic stop and failed to lower his weapon when instructed. What an idiot.
The website linked in the OP doesn't appear to be paywalled....
I would get a subscription notice that I was over the limit of free articles for thee month. Same effect as a paywall. You might not have read enough articles yet.
Must be white, he was given the option to lower his weapon
Philando Castile died because he moved his hands slightly wrong which offended a pissy officer's feelings, all while trying to comply. This guy gets to fully brandish a weapon before getting wasted lol.
How did I guess he was white? Any other colour wouldn't be asked politely to lower their weapon.
This sounds like suicide by cop...
This one doesn't seem to be paywalled, either. Not for me, at least, even after a few reloads.
Imagine your legacy in this world being one of abject stupidity.
I had hoped that this guy was going to turn out alright after pizza gate. From what I remember, after he stormed in he realized he was misled and that this was simply a pizza restaurant.
Turns out he's just insane and stupid.
For the uninitiated, this conspiracy theory would later devolve into Qanon and worse.
IIRC the conspiracy theory said it was in the basement. The place has no basement. It was emblematic of the carelessness that they had for truth
They gotta move those goalposts
Good for him.
Damn I literally just landed here
My condolences. Hope you get out soon.
Thankfully it was just a layover, but still. Just across town from where it happened.
Terrible news.
They cleaned the streets, just for you!