BBC extending Mastodon social media trial

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by [deleted]

Great to hear hope other news orgs follow suite

Yeah at this point I’m surprised how news organizations can still be on X. That place is complete bullshit now and I bet the comments on news articles are especially troubling.

Yeah at this point I’m surprised how news organizations can still be on X

Why? The people left on there are the ideal target audience for propaganda, plus if it gets them clicks (=money) which is what they're in the business for, why would they walk away? Expecting ethics in journalism under capitalism is futile (sure, individual ethical journalists exist, but they aren't the ones we're talking about nor do they represent the industry).

Corporate media are leery of the fediverse because the capitalist class hasn’t (yet) gotten control of it. They aren’t able shape the narratives here like they’re able to on corporate social media platforms.

We are on their radar, though, and they will eventually try to control us. US military-industrial complex think tank Atlantic Council report: Collective Security in a Federated World (PDF link)

by [deleted]


New Corporate Owned Social Media Network: “ooh cool so many people are using it let’s put all of our critical stuff on there alerts weather warnings and kill our RSS feeds and only interact with customers there”

New Federated Open Social Media Network: “this is phase 7 of our extremely careful 10 phase plan to possibly repost stuff we put on twitter there if the social media intern remembers”

Don’t get me wrong I’m glad they’re doing this, but I find it hilarious that everyone trips over themselves launching on Twitter and TikTok without thinking it through at all, and yet for Mastodon it has to be a limited phased trial.