Getcha minis 'ere, genuine lead!…

submitted by Flamekebab

Four shots of the same wargaming miniature (different angles). The sculpt is of a goblin, sat on a dice (painted to look rusty), with a bag at his feet spilling out boxes (painted to look like the boxes Warhammer miniatures came in the mid 1990s). The goblin is wearing a loin cloth and leaning on a small, red money box (the lockable kind often used by traders running stalls at conventions).  The goblin is about an inch tall and there's small tufts of dried grass on the base of the model.

The dice makes me think of the bit in The Dark Tower film where there's a theme park that the residents of that world are perplexed by. Why's there a dice? No one knows - it's always been there. It's Dirty Down rust, if you were wondering:

I bought a static grass applicator and had fun making my own tufts and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Unlimited tufts!

There's also the boxes - they're not as good as I'd like (the knees get in the way of painting!) but it's a bit of an homage to how GW boxes looked when I first got into the hobby.

I sculpted this lad but for now he's not available (he should be available at the Tenby Games Festival in December, in the unlikely event you're in west Wales! ) and then eventually he'll be up on Ramshackle Games' shop under my brand (Fox Box).


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