Backpack Repair Update: One Year Later

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Backpack Repair Update: One Year Later

I was recently looking at old posts in this community, and it reminded me that it's been over a year since I repaired these two backpacks and made a few posts about the process.

Both of these have held up remarkable well in a year of near daily use. Some of the shoe-goo sealant is starting to detach in places:

But most of it is still in place. The fabric patches and sewing line I used to close the rips are also still in one piece:

The shoe goo is still in a drawer somewhere, so I may apply a fresh coat at some point, if more of it flakes off. But overall, I'm really happy with how these have held up!


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Don't you find the result a bit ugly ?

The repairs or on a less visible part of the backpack, but even so I think whether it's ugly depends a bit on the context. In a DIY crust-punk scene I bet this would be considered pretty rad, a positive look even.