Finally painted my Brian Nelson Snikrot. Could it be better? Probably, but I had fun with it and that'll do.

submitted by Flamekebab

Four shots of the same model, the Brian Nelson version of the Ork Kommando, Boss Snikrot, painted to a middling standard

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That looks real good, nice job!

This looks amazing!

It could be better?? How ?

by Flamekebab

Very kind of you 💚

I'm not particularly fond of how the skin turned out. The texture of the model and the contrast paint I used for it ended up sort of grainy. I'd also have liked to make his blades look better, but that was the smoothest I was able to get them.

Still, the bits of skin enhancement on the knuckles, lips, and ears, I quite like. I also found that I really like Vallejo's Strong Tone, so that was nice. Also, the model looks far better in person!

You did great! I do see your point for the skin though

This is beautiful, you did a great job!!!

The quality of detail is very high. The boyz would be proud.