they define anything remotely LGBTQ+ inclusive as porn too..

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they define anything remotely LGBTQ+ inclusive as porn too..

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They are trying to ban the most and the seventh most purchased games?

There are more people who bought these games combined than there are people in the USA

It’s cute you think they give a shit.

So Celeste and Fallout New Vegas?

No one will be able to do C-sides anymore after they ban E and T.

And sadly no patrolling the post-fallout Mojave while engaging in cool dialogue :c

And Minecraft and Terraria

Would terraria be banned because of the gender change potion being “trans propaganda”

Or that Disney movie where the two boys hugged at the end, that was enough in Florida to cause issues. Strange World I believe was the movie.

Stellaris playing a Xenophile Fanatical Spiritualist race.

Thank god I only play wholesome games like Leisure Suit Larry

“You are hereby being summarily executed for one or more of the following offences:

Playing a game that

  • Contains one or more characters that fail to explicitly decry wokeism and transgenderism at least four times per hour.

  • Contains one or more characters that do not declare unending loyalty to Our Absolute Sacrosanct Sovereign Trump.

Signed, Department of Piousness, making America GREAT again, one raid at a time”

  • Contains at least one minority character who is not there only comic relief, the first to die, or a “bad guy”

  • Contains at least one female who is more than a love interest or is dressed in a way deemed inappropriate

  • A World War 2 period game which displays the German army in a negative light

  • In which the United States Police Force or any branch of the Unites States Military is not portrayed in a positive, heroic light

  • Portray the Unites State government as having any form of corruption or not working in the interest of our great nation’s interests.

  • Contains an enemy who is not foreign from one of the approved nations or races, acting against the interests of the United States.

Animal Crossing

The crossing referres to the cross dressing ofc

Id die before they take away my katamari fix.

If these dudes show up at your door, you’d die, end of sentence.

Thats why my home is booby trapped home alone style. I dont have to kill, just embarrass…

This POV implies you are part of the boys in blue

Or the neighbor across the street that’s brave enough to record everything

Better not download the wrong mod

If that shit rolls up on your door, they are there to execute you. Full stop. I’ll go out wearing my boots, thank you much.

“No you won’t tough guy!”

Yeah. Not going out like Daniel Chaver, pants down, begging and pleading for my fucking life. I’d be shaking like a leaf, scared shitless, but the cops have already made the decision for me.

In unrelated news, if you can’t handle your rifle or pistol absolutely vibrating, keep practicing. That’s kind of an essential thing to master.

Instructions unclear, but I’ve ordered the biggest vibrating buttplug I could find for the next time I go to the range

Rocking up to the range in knee-high stockings and cat-ear-muffs looking to hit some center mass targets babyyyyy

Aassss aaaa sssiiidddeee eeeffffffeeecccttt, iiiii nnnnoooowww hhhhaaavvvveeeee rrrraaaappppiiiidddd fffffiiiiirrrreeee. Iiiii llllooooovvvveeee iiiitttt