‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

submitted a week ago by Midnight



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Bleh, it sucks to find out about another school shooting this way. I’m glad they do this though.

Same thought. I see this headline and think, “Oh no…”

Young teenagers murdering people. So crazy.

Same here. Had to look up the story. Ugh…

You’d think I’d be numb to it by now, but my heart breaks every time.

psud a week ago

You can just assume that since it’s a day ending in “y” there has been another mass shooting in America

SurpriZe a week ago

But why would it happen at all?

solsangraal a week ago

“let’s get back to talking about how gay books in the library are ruining our kids’ lives!!”


dumbass a week ago

What they need to do is make guns gay, then watch how quick they’re banned.

Dusktracer a week ago

Not too hard, the things are often phallic shaped and you gotta stroke its trigger to get it to release its load everywhere. Just saying.

prole a week ago, edited a week ago

Make all guns require the grip to be shaped like a cock so homophobes will refuse to hold them.

Or even better, they come with a phallus-shaped mouthpiece attached that needs to be sucked on in order to allow the gun to fire…

I can come up with these all day lol

pdxfed a week ago, edited a week ago

What’s the internet rule that there is porn for everything you can think of? There has to be gun fetish gay porn. All sane Americans need to do is get whoever is more influential than Dan Savage to give the movement legs ala “Santorum”

Zip2 a week ago

As a non-American, can I just say: get your shit together and ban guns as you clearly can’t be trusted with them as a country.

Fully expecting to get downvoted by the “but it’s mah hobby” brigade. Get a new hobby, there’s peoples lives at stake.

figjam a week ago

America has a gun problem but it also has a fear problem.

And a big racism problem.

ThePrimitive a week ago

And a self-esteem problem.

The reality of it is we know straight up banning guns is the only way to truly solve this problem. The issue is we like to pretend it is some super complex issue with all this nuance that can only be approached by the best and brightest, but the right people to put that policy together just haven’t come along yet. We tell ourselves that because the truth is we are totally okay with a certain amount of faceless death as long as we can have our toys and we don’t have to clean up the mess.

beejboytyson a week ago

They need more regulation. It’s easier to get a gun then a drivers license.

Dicska a week ago

What makes it easier to get a gun license if I get a drivers license afterwards?

We’ve been arguing about this in the US for my whole life, and I’m not young. At this point it should be obvious neither of the two faces of our government has any interest in doing anything more about guns than using the topic as a wedge to divide us and as a source of campaign funding. So you want to ban guns. Is that the hill you want your children to die on? How about instead of insisting that’s the only way, we enact a solution that keeps kids alive and that both the red and blue team can agree on, like, say, mandatory armed guards (a paid job, not volunteers) at school entrances. Is it in conflict with our ideal vision of a peaceful society? Maybe, but it works. Other countries have done it and it stopped school shootings entirely.

That would never happen because whichever party does it, they can kiss goodbye to victory forever.

Zip2 a week ago

Then all parties can do it.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge a week ago, edited a week ago

And as an American, all i have to say is

Sure, we will just march on up to the Capitol amidst all the lobbiers and gun obsessed GoP fascists and tell them, “Please stop, someone from lemmy who isn’t even American says that’s all we need to do.”

If you aren’t American, keep your mouth shut on what we “should” do. Many, many of us are tired of these shootings, and on top of it all, our democracy is at stake, along with our ways of life to boot. Our country is failing, and all we can do is VOTE. It’s not that fucking easy. Stop accusing our entire country of this bullshit like we want it. The majority of us aren’t like this.

Y’all became a country by rebelling and telling England to fuck off also because of the whole “no taxation without representation”.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge a week ago

Yeah and it’s 2024. Any kind of rebellion risks us getting bodied by our high powered military. We have families.

Then, keep your steady rhythm of mass and school shootings.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge a week ago

Yup, it’s SO easy to just force them to ban guns. Do you realize just how many MAGA gun nut freaks are eager for just one reason to pull the trigger? Fuck off

Hawke a week ago

Fuck this is the way I learn there’s been a school shooting!

Wes4Humanity a week ago

Pretty sure there’s a school shooting in the US nearly every day now… We only hear about them during election season

DerisionConsulting a week ago, edited a week ago

It’s only about one per week, if you average it out over the whole year, including when there is no school.
2022 had 51: www.edweek.org/leadership/…/01

If you are just talking about “mass shooting” events, it’s closer to 2 events per day in the USA.

Tja a week ago

There is a mass shooting everyday (on average), school shootings are a bit less often.

There are (on average) around two mass shootings per day, but only (ugh) about one school shooting per week when you actually average it across the whole year. For instance, 2022 had 51 school shootings, but had 647 mass shootings total.

The high number of mass shootings is because anything over 2 victims is considered a mass shooting. So when an abusive dad drunkenly shoots his wife and kids before committing suicide, it’s considered a mass shooting. Drive by gang shootings are frequently considered mass shootings if more than two people are hit. It’s not just an active shooter firing into a crowd, (though those definitely qualify.)

werefreeatlast a week ago

How come there were none last week? Eh? Eh? Can’t answer me that one! Trick question! Everyone was out on vacation! But we did have one day without a shooting, the first day. I can’t imagine a situation where it takes two days to get someone angry enough to plan something like this though. It’s so sad and stupid that we let things like this happen.

werefreeatlast a week ago

Maybe if they had a bully grading system, they could pluck the bullies out into bully sweeting school. Just keep the nice kids. So kids would vote against kids they don’t like and the school would segregate them?.. that’s apartheid/segregation… let’s not do that.

1371113 a week ago

A voting system would make it more likely a programme like that will be abused by bullies to further alienate their victims and place them in the ‘bully’ school.

Dkarma a week ago

Every bad guy with a gun was a good guy with a gun yesterday.

Match!! a week ago

what if he was a bad guy with no gun yesterday

memfree a week ago

This is the 37th time they’ve had to use this headline. I’m not sure if the repetition makes me more sad, or angry, or if it is now simply becoming numbing. Thirty-Seven. :-(


Facebones a week ago

“If only there were 50 more guns for everyone to whip out at the same time with no way of knowing who the shooter is in the sea of guns, that’ll be safer!”

Comment105 a week ago

I think I’ve read a story or two about the “anti-shooter” getting shot for being at a massacre with a weapon drawn, like some kind of murderer.

BruceTwarzen a week ago

Drawing a weapon in public seems insane to me. Even if you are the “good guy with a gun” in the eyes of everyone else, you are a potential murderer.

pingveno a week ago

That happened at my university, though not to someone affiliated with the university. He was trying to break up a fight. He had a gun and it fell out its holster. He was grabbing for it as campus police were shouting not to. They shot and killed him. While you can argue about whether the police response and training was appropriate, one thing is definitely true. If he had not had a gun on him that day, he would not have been killed. A country awash in guns is not a better country, despite what the “a well armed society is a polite society” people claim.

Doomsider a week ago

Isn’t it funny that some of the most armed people are also the least polite.

Facebones a week ago

Thats always the thing about gun folk who won’t go to the mailbox without their weapon, right? However they justify it, its inherently this fantasy that they’ll get to shoot somebody. If you’re worried about being prepared, why not a police stick thing, mace, or a tazer maybe? Why does it HAVE to be the hyper lethal super easily reloaded thing or bust?

In that vein, these are all things cops carry on them too, why do they NEVER use them and go straight for emptying a clip instead of practicing escalation of force?

The answer? Murder boners. In both cases, its all just a power fantasy of getting to end a life without facing consequences. Sure, a taser will probably make most people drop a gun, but then you dont have the satisfaction of feeling that ultimate power of control over someone else’s life.

dessimbelackis a week ago

I also believe zombie movies are a facet of this.

Oh, what’s that? A human-shaped monster of an excuse to blow a thousand rounds? Extremely American.

The Purge is the same thing without the window dressing of a monster.

Doomsider a week ago

They are probably just priming people to shoot anyone in the head that have been “declared” zombies.

Hey guys! It turns out all liberals are really zombies. You know what do to.

frezik a week ago

This might be the most evergreen article The Onion has ever published.

griD a week ago

> be me
> doom scrolling international news on my death bed in 2064
> this article shows up
> goodbye my old friend

KingOfTheCouch a week ago

It’s depressing that this will likely be true in 2064.

zabadoh a week ago

NRA: If only enough 14 year olds were armed, this could have been prevented…

CosmicTurtle0 a week ago

I’m Georgia they can be.

DampSquid a week ago

Hi Georgia, I’m Dead

Gerudo a week ago

And the teachers

SurpriZe a week ago

Not literally 14 yo though.

Thoughts and prayers

Now what about them there mexicans at the border!!!

The Pantser a week ago

Yeah those dangerous illegal aliens coming up and killing our families meanwhile the children are killing more of our families than the aliens. Fuck the GOP, and fuck the 2nd amendment.

hemmes a week ago

I’m far left, but I actually don’t hate on the 2nd Amendment. It was a pivotal moment in US history, fortifying the power of the people and its rule over government.

But at the time the 2nd Amendment was written, the most powerful weapon that the average person would have had access to was the flintlock musket. The flintlock had a relatively short effective range of around 50 to 100 yards and took time to reload after each shot.

It would stand to reason that much stronger laws are required to compensate for the amount of fire power available to people now.

Your point is sensible and makes sense, but shareholders would be 😞 if the line didn’t go 📈 and some dead kids have never been a problem for them one track minded shareholders

Careful. They want your cookie.

BruceTwarzen a week ago

I heard there are trans people out there existing.

TheHarpyEagle a week ago

It’s “funny” that there’s conspiracy theories that these are all liberal psyops to force gun control. Surely the deep state would realize by now that no amount of dead children will change people’s minds.

Our self-inflicted suffering is evergreen.

njm1314 a week ago

Must suck to be the person that has to write this every time. Do you think it’s one person or do you think they have to take turns?

booly a week ago

I imagine it’s just a form they fill out with a few fields: city, number of shooters, number of dead, number of wounded. The rest of it stays the same each time.

Coelacanth a week ago

Can’t believe it’s over ten years since John Oliver’s Gun Control Trilogy

raptore39 a week ago

It says there are no videos in the playlist. They have been removed? Where can I still watch them?

sawdustprophet a week ago

It says there are no videos in the playlist.

The videos are there for me. Maybe you’re in a region where they’re blocked?

raptore39 a week ago

I’ll try with a VPN, thanks

Nuke_the_whales a week ago, edited a week ago

“get him away from the video games”

Was the police’s suggestion to the father last year when the kid threatened to do this. I don’t even know what decade I live in anymore.

The25002 a week ago

Yeah, that’s some next level copium. I grew up during Columbine and it was like DOOM made these kids do this. Anecdotal evidence but I’ve played every DOOM game since the 90’s and I’ve never had an inkling to do a mass shooting. Our society is failing these kids in a way we don’t want to actually own up to cuz the finger gets pointed squarely at us.

mean_bean279 a week ago

Now I know emotions are all running high, and we’re all shocked and scared by yet another senseless act of violence (or mental illness if white, act of terror if brown). However, now is not the time to start talking about things like “gun control” and “approval lists.” How about we schedule sometime on March 31st around 7:30am EST and we can all sit down for 15 minutes and discuss ways to prevent the next tragedy. However I cannot stress it enough that NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO POLITICIZE THIS.

Before we say the words “gun control,” can we think about the poor ammunition assembly line workers, who have to work mandatory overtime due to the demand, each time those words are said?

mean_bean279 a week ago

No, we have to pray first. Give me your thoughts. They’re needed before we make the monthly (weekly??? Daily???) sacrifice of children in this country.

Krackalot a week ago

If you take away my unfettered access to guns, how will I support the government when they trample the rights of people I don’t like? /s

glitchdx a week ago

My opinions about guns have changed over the years. I used to be of the opinion that nobody should have guns in this day and age, what’s the point aside from ego boosting and sport.

Then a cheeto puff did a treason on jan6.

I’ll give up my guns only after the fascists give up theirs. Non negotiable.

You want to “prevent tragedies”? fund programs for welfare and healthcare. Tax the rich. Break up megacorps like google, albertsons, nestle. Enact and enforce employee protections. Raise the minimum wage. Ban airbnb and heavily tax empty residences. Universal basic income! Did I mention fixing the healthcare system? More that I’m forgetting to list.

Miserable parents make miserable kids, and miserable kids lash out. For the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet, this shouldn’t be hard to figure out.

psud a week ago

… Nestlé…

But surely it’s proper for one company to control the entire food supply. I mean you wouldn’t want to be a communist and not let the free market do as it wishes

/s in case the italics and words aren’t enough

glitchdx a week ago

i have on occasion been accused of being a communist. Usually when I point out that people deserve rights.

glitchdx a week ago

also fire every single cop in the country and replace them all with people who actually believe that they’re supposed to protect and serve.

prole a week ago, edited a week ago

The problem is that all of those ex-cops would still exist and still be American citizens. They’d 100% create a far right militia, at the very least. No doubt about it.

Unless we shipped them off to Russia or something.

glitchdx a week ago

sounds like a domestic terrorist group, just the kind of thing that the fbi is supposed to put a stop to.

Doomsider a week ago

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

ayyy a week ago

Yea, you could totally win a gun fight against the US military 🙄

glitchdx a week ago

oh absolutely. I have the power of god and anime on my side.

meowMix2525 a week ago

Read the rest of the thread. They’re not talking about the military.

Draedron a week ago

That is such stupid logic. “Oh people want to violently overthrow the government? I want them to easily get guns” The fascists should be the exact reason you want to have strict gun control

RaoulDook a week ago

It doesn’t work that way when they already all have guns. If you wanted to do it your way, you’d have needed to start on that gun control about 100 years ago.

Because the cops are not going to take the fascists’ guns, even if they were outlawed. They are vastly outnumbered by armed citizens, and they are scared of them, and many of the cops are the same fascists too.

steel_nomad a week ago

So much to unpack here. Your last 2 paragraphs are lucid, but the previous 3 are unhinged.

glitchdx a week ago

Am i wrong though?

exanime a week ago

Well, did you go out and defended democracy by force?

StupidBrotherInLaw a week ago, edited a week ago

Unhinged how? Or do you just have insults and no substance?

glitchdx a week ago

it’s unhinged because of the implication of violence against a specific group of people identified by their political beliefs. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s that same group of people who are opposing all of the solutions I proposed in my previous comment.

You and I agree on this topic, I was just curious if the other commenter had anything intelligent to add or if they just instantly resort to insults because they can’t intelligently articulate their viewpoint.

From you I didn’t see an implication of initiating violence so much as protecting against those whose political beliefs support violence against their out groups. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

WoahWoah a week ago, edited a week ago

The new face of violent radicalism in the United States: aggrieved, rural, white “Future Farmers of America” Trump kids raised by white, rural, aggrieved Trump parents that don’t keep their guns secure.

Edit: yes, he was part of FFA. He was “member of the month” last month.

BigFig a week ago

Maybe don’t go around posting pictures of the kid.

PriorityMotif a week ago

I couldn’t believe that they released his name like that. Totally out of line by whatever department decided to do that.

jaybone a week ago

Yes it’s odd, given how just before this that football player was shot in San Francisco by a 17 year old. There was a big to-do about will he be tried as an adult and they won’t release his name because he’s a minor. In this case they released his name right away and said he would be tried as an adult even though he’s only 14.

PriorityMotif a week ago

I think that was a rouge “tough guy” who decided to do it. It’s not up to the police to decide how he gets tried.

WoahWoah a week ago

It’s on their Instagram.

Pup Biru a week ago

don’t give him fame. don’t mention his name, don’t post his pic, try not to talk about numbers to turn it into a “high score”. he is anonymous

Coskii a week ago

Absolutely. Adding infamy to this, or looking into their lives at all beyond the investigation only spurs on anyone who is on the edge for ruining their lives in exactly the same way. But… the media will always aim for the shocking headlines that get the views. Still. I’m with you.

steel_nomad a week ago

Just stumbled onto KimDracula the other day. Blew my mind. Their song “Make Me Famous” has the chorus;

“Celebrity status, Just for murdering people, Now doesnt it feel too familiar”

Such a fucked up world we live in. Especially America. I’m not sure the fame part of the equation is much of the motivation though, a mass shooting is more like a cry for help after all the shooter’s previous cries for help have been ignored.

steel_nomad a week ago

Correlation is not causation.

Ooof, someone is using phrases they don’t understand.

Pup Biru a week ago

your statement is true however that doesn’t mean that correlation does not imply cause… the cause is fucking obvious to anyone that has more than 2 brain cells to rub together

can a week ago

The Pantser a week ago

On track for record profits this year! This is a wonderful graph for a business but horrible for what it actually is. Fuck the GOP and fuck the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendmenters don’t think of the children, just the fetus.

can a week ago

A little behind the past couple years actually but there’s still 4 months.

This is the fault of republicans and their insane, murderous legislation.

Honestly the fact we have enough of these to be able to make distinctions is even more depressing.

Aceticon a week ago

This is one of those articles that should both be in !theonion@midwest.social and !nottheonion@lemmy.world

quoll a week ago

repeal the 2nd

Allonzee a week ago, edited a week ago

We as a people, culture, and society are frankly too selfish and horrible to do something as decent as that. Not our fault, we’ve been and continue to be conditioned by the owners to be a nation of irredeemable wannabe sociopaths at each other’s throats, but the fact remains that’s who we are.

Enjoy the cesspool, where greed/sociopathy is our only practiced value, and watching our poorie kids kill poorie kids (because this never happens at the nepo baby private schools) is our national pastime.

Not like we became horrible or anything, we always were. We’re a nation built by slaves owned by religious zealots on top of a genocide(of people who lived in homeostasis with the earth instead of actively setting it on fire) who’s top exports are tools of volume murder and blueprints for other nations to better exploit their citizenry for their elite’s private profit, not like there was ever any grace to lose.

Oh but hey the Axis sunk our pacific fleet once and we fought back after we were attacked which apparently makes us virtuous heroes(?) or something.

quoll a week ago

aussie has very similar bloody genocidal history, but we still banned most of the guns.

you can do it too.

big job though, good luck ❤️

mkwt a week ago

Stupid freakin reposts.

whocares314 a week ago

Prosecute the parents. Pass restrictions on magazine capacity.

SomeAmateur a week ago

I genuinely think that improving access to mental health resources would do more good. Find out what is causing a small subset of kids to want to shoot people and usually themselves. Guns are a symptom not the core issue imo

Were they bullied? Did the faculty care? What did the family situation look like? Were requests for help ignored?

I think it would help with the overall trend of more depressed/suicidal kids too.

Warl0k3 a week ago, edited a week ago

And until we’re done completely overhauling our mental health system, maybe we just give the children… bullet proof vests?

SomeAmateur a week ago

Honestly it’s not off the table and it would be easier than completely overhauling our firearm sale/posession systems. Have a box of them in a classoom in case of emergency, just like having a fire extinguisher or first aid kit.

Soft armor doesn’t stop rifle rounds. Plate carriers are heavy and suck to move around in. Sizing is another issue since most are made for men not kids. But maybe it would be a good investment since they can be stored and reused for quite a while

Warl0k3 a week ago, edited a week ago

You realize you sound insane, right? Plate carriers? For kids? Come on, they all already have backpacks. We just issue each kid with a ballistic plate and tuck them in there. Maybe some anti-spalling pads too. Sure it might be a little heavier, but think of the exercise they’d get! We can call it “No Child Shot From Behind”!

SomeAmateur a week ago, edited a week ago

No no no we just fill the plates with tannerite and ball bearings so as soon as a shooter hits a backpack the shooter is taken out AND ends the suffering of the victims!