Asshole Email Preferences

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Asshole Email Preferences

Purposefully deceitful toggle switch colours. Am I saving my preference to receive none, or to receive all? Found on's mailing list service.


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But one thing you need to give them is that they give you the option to opt out All in one switch and not switch 9999999 switches.

Truuuuue haha, it could be a lot worse!

I would say it's fairly reasonable to assume that the selected option is the blue one? If not, that's definitely deceitful. If it is the blue one, I don't think it's purposefully deceitful, just badly designed. Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, yadda yadda

Yep. I've had arguments on the bird site about intuitive UI/UX. It felt like I was talking to a wall. Some devs are just that clueless.

Only *some*? I’m constantly arguing with developers of enterprise software and they usually don’t get it. The color of a button to remove an item? Green! They like green …

God, I really hate toggles that make no sense.

At least that one has a label, but some are just a dark color or light one. Ok, which one is "yes"?

For those saying this is probably just the devs being lazy... Well, they took the effort to write these two lines of CSS, and took the time to make sure they displayed as the exact same color.

    input:checked+.slider {
      background-color: rgba(18, 107, 255, 1);

    input+.slider {
      background-color: rgba(18, 107, 255, 1);

So there was effort to make both sides blue, whether that was incompetence or intentional, the design itself is still an asshole design and should be shamed :) Good toggle switches can be found all over the web in seconds!

Would you like to receive all email communications or some email communications from us?

[ ] Sure [ ] Not now

Wait a second, is the white the active state?

No idea! I'll find out if and when I receive another email from them!

Select, right click, mark as spam.

Not sure how this is purposefully deceitful?

There’s no negative in the question. The blue color is obviously the active state.

Not sure what the confusion is here?

Yeah, what's the issue? Would you rather like 250 options? They'll probably code it so you need to toggle them separately. The color scheme is probably because of the same reason there is just one switch: They don't put that much effort in an elaborate scheme to spam people. It's just the bare minimum.