Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia condemn Israel over banning UNRWA operations in occupied Palestinian Territory

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The Governments of Ireland, Norway, Slovenia and Spain condemn the approval by the Knesset [the Israeli parliament] of legislation to prevent UN Relief Agency (UNRWA) from operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

UNRWA has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly. The work of the Agency is essential and irreplaceable for millions of Palestinian refugees in the region, and particularly in the current context in Gaza. The legislation approved by the Knesset sets a very serious precedent for the work of the United Nations and for all organizations of the multilateral system.


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Yeah, Macron is not the worst. Macron called to halt arm deliveries to Israel in the beginning of October this year, which is quite little quite late, but again better than Germany and the US.

Here's a case about a Norwegian student who was appealing being expelled from Sciences Po over pro-Palestinian protests. She was not alone, but I can't find international media coverage. This was in August. The crackdown against pro-Palestina protests at Sciences Po was actively pushed by Gabriel Attal, so I think it's fair to hold the government accountable for campus controversies in this case.

I think Macron is not a far right prick; he's merely a centre right prick. He's not actively on the wrong side of history in this case, but he's very reluctant to be on the right side as well.

When I singled out France along with the two others it's because they're a huge player in Europe, and I find their response disappointing. But you're right maybe I was unfair listing them next to Germany and the US.

In general I think continental Europe except Spain has been a gigantic disappointment.

In general I think continental Europe except Spain has been a gigantic disappointment.

Does Norway not count as continental Europe?

I guess it does. I feel like Scandinavia only half belongs - as a Norwegian living further south the last half decade or so, it's a long way home. And in Norwegian, we refer to "down on the continent" as being the "proper" European countries, excluding ourselves.

I also didn't feel comfortable bringing up Norway as it would feel like I was just bragging about my country. ;)